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Something About Me

I bring certain experiences from my life to this work and these experiences shape, in some measure, what I offer.

  • I grew up in a mainline Christian denomination.  I am generally able to speak and listen in a Christian religious vocabulary.


  • I have studied philosophy and have a fairly formed philosophy of religion that allows me to be open to seekers who use other vocabularies for understanding their spirituality.


  • I am a “convinced” Friend - that means I was not born a Quaker, but I am one now.  I participated in a 2 year Quaker program called the School of the Spirit and I attended a Quaker seminary later in life.  I bring a Quaker perspective to this work, as I do my own life.  I will likely share resources and stories with you that come from the Quaker tradition, but I will not try to convert you to being a Quaker.


  • I have explored the wider Christian contemplative tradition in some measure.  In particular, I have spent many years practicing Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina.  I also believe I have language for speaking about the contemplative life that can open these practices for various non-Christians.


  • I am deeply committed and involved in congregational life at the local, regional, national, and international levels.  I know what it is like to be part of at least one faith community and I can relate to the challenges and joys of being part of a faith community.

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