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try Spiritual Accompaniment

What is Spritual Accompaniment?

Spiritual Accompaniment is a way for one person to listen to another.​


We meet for an hour and I support you in listening for how the Spirit is present and unfolding in your life. 


To learn more about Spiritual Accompaniment click here


To learn about me, my personal philosophy, and what I offer, click here


To take the next step and send me an email just scroll down!

How is Spritual Accompaniment Different from Therapy?

While we may touch on, and even open in a specific way, themes and topics in your life that are more often the focus of therapy, our conversation will always come back to how the Spirit is working in your life. Another way to think about this is that therapy and counseling are often about how to build a healthy ego with healthy boundaries.  Spiritual work is about opening and yielding to something “other” than oneself, something larger than oneself. 


It is common that my clients have been in therapy before or see a therapist concurrently.  Sometimes something arises for a client and I will suggest they work with a therapist to understand the psychological dimensions of that concern.  


It is also important to understand that I am not a pastor, denominational minister, or priest.  I cannot offer the sacraments or give you guidance specific to your denomination.  While I have training that is similar to many people in the clergy, I am a member of the laity. 

What is Spritual Accompaniment?

Spiritual Accompaniment is a way for one person to listen to another.


We meet for an hour and I support you in listening for how the Spirit is present and unfolding in your life. ​


It is always the case that you have, through your felt experience, firsthand knowledge of how the Spirit is at work in your life.  I am only able to support you by asking questions and offering resources that might be helpful.  I am not directing you or guiding you, but rather inviting you to listen to the Spirit in ways that may be new or that are a helpful reminder.

How is Spritual Accompaniment Different from Therapy?

While we may touch on, and even open in a specific way, themes and topics in your life that are more often the focus of therapy, our conversation will always come back to how the Spirit is working in your life. Another way to think about this is that therapy and counseling are often about how to build a healthy ego with healthy boundaries.  Spiritual work is about opening and yielding to something “other” than oneself, something larger than oneself. 


It is common that my clients have been in therapy before or see a therapist concurrently.  Sometimes something arises for a client and I will suggest they work with a therapist to understand the psychological dimensions of that concern.  


It is also important to understand that I am not a pastor, denominational minister, or priest.  I cannot offer the sacraments or give you guidance specific to your denomination.  While I have training that is similar to many people in the clergy, I am a member of the laity. 

Group Opportunities

I am offering 2 group opportunities in the fall of 2024 to support participants in learning to approach silence as a spiritual practice. These group opportunities can stand alone as opportunities for spiritual growth or they may be a way for you to get to know me and what I can offer you in one-on-one sessions. If you are interested in one or both, send me an email here

Listening for the Spirit

Durham Friends Meeting

Thursday Nights 7 - 8:30

10/17   10/24   11/7   11/14


This class will invite participants to explore silence by experimenting with several different practices. We will consider together what it feels like to hear the Spirit in silence and how we can yield to the Spirit once we recognize the Spirit's presence.



pay what you can!

Twice Monthly Meeting over Zoom for 1.5 Hours, day and time TBD by group participants​


This group is for pastors, ministers, rabbis, or other staff members of religious congregations or of other spiritually centered non-profit organizations.


It can be very difficult to maintain a regular spiritual practice for oneself when your job is to hold that opportunity open for others.


Participants in this group will come together regularly for a time of spiritual retirement and turning to the Spirit for guidance.


There will also be a structured way for participants to share with others a bit of what they are wrestling with.


$5-10/month suggested donation

Spiritual Accountability Group

These Groups Meeting Fall 2024!
Learn more here

Listening for the Spirit

Durham Friends Meeting

Thursday Nights 7 - 8:30

10/17   10/24   11/7   11/14​

Twice Monthly Meeting over Zoom for 1.5 Hours, day and time TBD by group participants​


This group is for pastors, ministers, rabbis, or other staff members of religious congregations or of other spiritually centered non-profit organizations.

Spiritual Accountability Group

Interested in a group opportunity?

Learn more here

or contact me below


Something About Me

I bring certain experiences from my life to this work and these experiences shape, in some measure, what I offer.

  • I grew up in a mainline Christian denomination.  I am generally able to speak and listen in a Christian religious vocabulary.


  • I have studied philosophy and have a fairly formed philosophy of religion that allows me to be open to seekers who use other vocabularies for understanding their spirituality.


  • I am a “convinced” Friend - that means I was not born a Quaker, but I am one now.  I participated in a 2 year Quaker program called the School of the Spirit and I attended a Quaker seminary later in life.  I bring a Quaker perspective to this work, as I do my own life.  I will likely share resources and stories with you that come from the Quaker tradition, but I will not try to convert you to being a Quaker.


  • I have explored the wider Christian contemplative tradition in some measure.  In particular, I have spent many years practicing Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina.  I also believe I have language for speaking about the contemplative life that can open these practices for various non-Christians.


  • I am deeply committed and involved in congregational life at the local, regional, national, and international levels.  I know what it is like to be part of at least one faith community and I can relate to the challenges and joys of being part of a faith community.


Is Spiritual Accompaniment Right for You?

Reach-out to me to get more information, to register for a group opportunity, or to request a 30 minute trial 1 on 1 session for $50. Just fill-out the form below and I will be in touch.

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